Mahidol University Hall of Fame focuses on the history and development of Mahidol University from past to present including achievements by members of Mahidol Community for the benefits of the society. On the 2nd floor, the exhibition “Wisdom of the Land” was established to commemorate the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Royal Bestowal of Mahidol University’s Name and the 131st Anniversary of Mahidol University. It depicts the journey of Mahidol University since it was a specialised university until having become the multidisciplinary university, under the concept “Power of Wisdom” which is broaden as the infinite waves on the surface of the river of knowledge.On the 3rd floor, is about the history and revolution of the university through different periods of time, the exhibition is divides by content into 3 zones:

  1. “Mahidol Today” The University is pictured here as a currently institution of excellence in terms of academics, research, service and quality of life of students, teaching staff and the entire personnel body
  2. Originally Established as “University of Medical Science” The focus is on history and development of the university during its fledgling period following the inception, the subsequent academic expansions, students’ lives and academic atmosphere during World War II and the development relating to the establishment of Siriraj Hospital.
  3. “Mahidol” – On the Path to ExcellenceThe zone features the university’s development, starting with His Majesty’s permission to use Mahidol, the Prince Father’s name, as the university’s new name in 1969, the subsequent land acquisition and the establishment of Salaya Campus, the students’ political role in the incidents of 14th October, 1973 and 6th October, 1976, the academic development toward excellence befitting its status as ‘wisdom of the land’ along with life on campus at present and the future outlook.

Location: 2nd and 3rd Floor, Mahidol Learning Center Building, Mahidol University Salaya
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 08.30-16.30
Telephone: (+66) 2849 4541 to 2
Fax:0 2849 4545
Admission Fee: Free Admission2